Тема: Government can apply regressive taxation as means of stimulating tax consciousness. Under this approach the more you earn the less is the tax rate applied to you income. Consider advantages and disadv. Учебная работа № 362643

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Тип работы: Контрольная работа, реферат (теория)
Предмет: Налоги и налогообложение
Страниц: 8
Год написания: 2015

1. Merits and demerits of regressive system of the taxation 3
Стоимость данной учебной работы: 300 руб.


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    Учебная работа № 362643. Тема: Government can apply regressive taxation as means of stimulating tax consciousness. Under this approach the more you earn the less is the tax rate applied to you income. Consider advantages and disadv

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    Government Intervention On The Web Essay Research

    ……. s life in some way whether it was done directly
    or indirectly. Our children are exposed to the Internet at school,
    and we are exposed to the Internet simply by just watching our
    television sets. The Internet has become the primary key to the
    future of communication in our society today. Because of this, the
    government feels that it has the right to regulate and control the
    contents of information distributed through the World Wide Web,
    contrary to the opinions of most Internet users, myself included.

    Freedom of Speech Over the Internet

    At the present, this network is the
    epitome of the first amendment, freedom of speech. It is a place
    where people can speak their minds without being reprimanded for what
    they say, or how they choose to say it. The key to the success of the
    Internet is its protection of free speech, not only in America, but
    in other countries as well, where free speech is not protected by a
    constitution. Because there are no laws regulating Internet material,
    people may find some of its content offending, ranging from
    pornography, to hate-group forums, to countless other forms of
    information. With over 30 million Internet users in the U.S. alone,
    some of the material is bound to be interpreted as offensive to some
    other Internet user. My advice to these people is to change the
    station if you don t like what you see .

    Laws and the Internet

    The newest waves of laws making their
    way through Congress threaten to stifle spontaneity of the Internet.
    Recently, Congress has considered passing laws that will make it a
    crime to send vulgar language or encryption software over the web.
    These crimes could result in prosecutions punishable by jail time. No
    matter how insignificant, any attempt at government intervention on
    the Internet will stifle the greatest communication innovation of
    this century. The government wants to maintain control over this new
    form of communication, and it is trying to use the protection of
    children as a smoke screen to impose these laws upon us. Censorship
    of the Internet threatens to destroy its freelance atmosphere, while
    wide spread encryption could help eliminate the need for government

    How Do We Interpret the Internet

    The current body of laws existing
    today in America does not apply well to the Internet. Is the Internet
    like a broadcasting medium, where the government monitors what is