Тема: Sources of business financing at a stage of life cycle . Учебная работа № 366403

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Тип работы: Контрольная работа, реферат (теория)
Предмет: Финансы
Страниц: 8
Год написания: 2015
1. Sources of business financing at a stage of life cycle “Childhood” 3
Стоимость данной учебной работы: 300 руб.


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    Учебная работа № 366403. Тема: Sources of business financing at a stage of life cycle

    Выдержка из подобной работы

    Sources of finance


    1. What is money, in addition to
    being a means of exchange?

    2. What, in economic theory, is
    considered to be “labour”? 42

    3. Why is mother’s work
    considered to be not “labour”?

    4. What does the economist

    5. What two words are used to
    describe the money standard?

    6. What two words are used to
    suggest different standards from the money standard?

    7. What is labour (in the
    economic sense) not concerned with?

    What term is used to describe a person engaged in his own private

    9. What does the employer receive
    instead of wages? 10. How is the reward of private enterprise called?

    Введення нової лексики і виконання
    лексичних вправ.

    For the
    well-established firm, the most obvious source
    of finance is its own profits.
    Instead of paying out all its
    profits to its shareholders, the firm can
    retain some within the business. Using retained profits in the
    business is described as «ploughing back
    the profits». It is an important source of
    finance for the larger firm.

    In the case of
    a very small firm, the necessary money will
    be provided by the proprietor and his family
    and friends with, perhaps, a loan from the local

    can be short-term
    and long-term
    ones. Short-term
    loans are usually repayable within three years.
    Many such loans are for periods of one year or
    less. The sources of loans are as follows:


    bills of exchange

    trade credits

    hire purchases


    A bank
    overdraft is the most widely used type
    of short-term finance. The bank allows the
    com­pany to overdraw its account by
    some agreed amount. Interest is charged by
    the bank only on the amount overdrawn. It is one of the cheaper forms
    of borrowing.

    Bills of
    exchange enable the company to obtain
    short-term finance from a bank or discount
    house where they send bills of exchange for

    credits are quite normal in business.
    They are often granted by the sellers
    allowing the buyers to pay in some time,
    say in three months.

    ‘ A firm may
    acquire some equipment such as cars,
    lorries, office equipment and some type of machinery
    on hire-purchase terms. It makes a de­posit
    and pays the outstanding amount by instal­ments
    over two or three years. Ownership passes to
    the buyer when the final instalment is paid.

    In case of
    leasing the firm will also pay the out­standing
    amount by instalments over two or three years.
    When the final i